ReMediZ is an independent company committed to pioneering healthcare innovations benefiting people and the environment.
The Extended Pharmacy is one such innovation. This service ensures that unused medications are returned to the pharmacy for redistribution. The Extended Pharmacy utilises the Meds Safe, developed by ReMediZ.Through the Meds Safe, patients receive their medication at home at the right time and quantity.
By being closely involved in the medication dispensing process, ReMediZ can seamlessly tailor innovations to clients' interests, ensuring the successful realisation and implementation of these advancements. In this way, we support the sustainability of healthcare.
ReMediZ Meds Safe
Environmental pollution
and extensive healthcare costs
Medications are indispensable for society: they contribute to the health and well-being of numerous people.
In the Netherlands, approximately 420 million boxes of medication are dispensed annually. Of these, a multiple of €100 million worth of unused medications are destroyed, left unused, casually disposed of, or flushed away each year. This also happens in hospitals and pharmacies.
There will always be remnants of medication that end up in groundwater through urine and waste, but groundwater pollution due to unused medications can and should be prevented.
For safety reasons, unused medications cannot be returned to the healthcare system,resulting in extensive and unnecessary healthcare costs.
The Meds Safe enables safe returns and prevents unnecessary environmental pollution.

Sustainable innovations in healthcare